Geoscientists from around the world are cordially invited to attend the 10th International Conference of the African Association of Women in Geosciences on “Geosciences and the Sustainable Development Goals : Challenges & Perspectives” to be held in Luanda (Angola), July 26 – 29, 2023. The conference is organized by the African Association for Women in Geosciences (AAWG) and the Angolan Association of Women in Geosciences in partnership with the Government of Angola.


All international geoscientists communities are invited to join us during the 10th international conference of the African Association of Women in Geosciences. Authors are requested to submit their abstracts which will be reproduced in an abstract volume to be distributed to the participants during the conference. All abstracts should be prepared according to the guidelines.


Geosciences is a constantly changing science, and therefore geoscientists must have up to date knowledge of this field and a good concept on earth and its resources and geo-hazard, and to find out ways of utilizing these resources properly for sustainable development.

The conference aims to contribute to improve the scientific and social inclusion of women, attracting them for the careers in geosciences, so that the implementation of global programs such as " Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development"; the "Paris Agreement on Climate Change"; "Agenda 2063 - Africa We want," among others, so that women can have a view on their technical, economic and social empowerment in these areas.

AAWG aims to provide a forum for discussion, dissemination of information and cooperation among women geoscientists at local, regional and international levels and in private and public institutions and strengthen their collaboration with all stakeholders. to encourage them to participate in technical and scientific events, because we have reassured that their involvement in research and manufacturing industries, are keys areas to help Africa out of underdevelopment.


Geosciences and Society

  • Theme 1 : Geoheritage, Geoconservation, Geotourism, Geoparks, Museology and sustainable socio-economic development.
  • Theme 2 : Earth Sciences Education and Public Communication, Geoethics, Geosciences History.
  • Theme 3 : Water resources.
  • Theme 4 : Evolution of the Biosphere, Soil Science & Biogeoscience.
  • Theme 5 : Geohazards.
  • Theme 6 : Remote Sensing Technologies and Data and Information Systems.
  • Theme 7 : Environmental Geosciences Climate Change and adaptability.
  • Theme 8 : Medical Geology.
  • Theme 9 : Women, Geosciences and inclusive development.
  • Theme 10 : Geosciences diplomacy.

Geosciences and Economy

  • Theme 11 : Mineral Resources and Mining Engineering.
  • Theme 12 : Petroleum Systems, Geoenergetic resources and applied geophysics.
  • Theme 13 : Engineering Geology and Geomechanics.
  • Theme 14 : Geostatistics and Mathematical Geosciences.
  • Theme 15 : Gemology.

Fundamental of Geosciences

  • Theme 16 : Magmatic Processes and Volcanology.
  • Theme 17 : Rock Deformation, Structural Geology and Metamorphic processes.
  • Theme 18 : Sedimentary Processes, Stratigraphy, Biostratigraphy.
  • Theme 19 : Marine Geosciences and Oceanography.
  • Theme 20 : Palaeontology and Palaeo-anthropology.
  • Theme 21 : Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology & Geoarchaeology.
  • Theme 22 : Planetary Sciences.


  • 26 - 27 July 2023 : Opening and Presentations of papers.
  • 27 July 2023 : Gala Dinner.
  • 28 July 2023 : One day field trip dedicated to all participants.
  • 29 July 2023 : Field trip to Catoca - diamond mine.


  • March 2023 : 2nd Circular.
  • April 15, 2023 Reported to Mai 30, 2023 : Deadline for submission of abstracts.
  • June 2023 : Final circular - Conference program.
  • 24 - 28 October 2023 : Conference/Workshops/ Field trips.


The languages of the conference are English, French and Portuguese


This will be communicated in the final circular.



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Polydisciplinary Faculty of Safi