Authors are requested to submit their abstracts that will be reproduced in an Abstract Volume to be distributed to the participants. All abstracts should be prepared according to the guidelines given below.

General guidance

The abstract should not exceed 1 page (500 words) in English, French or Portuguese. The topic covered should be relevant to the sub-themes of the meeting. The name, address (telephone, fax and e-mail) of the author must be clearly specified. The names of the co-authors should be written in capital letters to allow for the distinction from the first author.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is April 2023.

Guidelines of abstract

The abstracts should be laid out in accordance with the main formatting points listed below. A limited amount of re-formatting will be undertaken by the conference secretariat, but submissions that are grossly aberrant will be returned to authors for correction.

  • It must be submitted electronically in MSWORD.
  • The preferred font is TIME; title 14pt / affiliations 12pt / text 10pt, with single line spacing.
  • The text must be typed leaving a 3 cm on the right and 2.5 cm on the top, bottom, and left margins.
  • For any queries or problems please do not hesitate to contact the conference secretariat on its email address or

Submission of the abstract

The abstracts should be sent as an attached file to, before 30th January 2023. The name of the electronic file must include the name of the first author, e.g. Salisu.doc. You will receive your acceptance and invitation letters within few weeks after the reception of your registration forms and abstracts.

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Polydisciplinary Faculty of Safi