
Workshop 1 - Geoheritage and Geoparks in Africa: challenges and perspectives

Date - 25 July 2023
Duration: 15h - 16h30

Organization : African Geopark Network (AGN) & African Association of Women in Geosciences (AAWG)

The African Geoparks Network “AGN” was initiated by the African Association of Women in Geosciences “AAWG” during its pre-conference meeting held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast in May 2009. The AGN aims to identify and make an inventory of the geological sites of outstanding value in Africa; to promote and increase the awareness among policy makers and the general public in Africa, particularly local communities about the necessity of the protection and the valorization of African geological heritage through the creation of geoparks for a sustainable local development; and to build the capacity of local population in the field of geoheritage through a strong networking and the organization of conferences, seminars, symposia, training courses and workshops. In that framework, AGN organized a number of International Conferences on Geoparks in Africa and Middle East, a series of courses, workshops and roundtables in order to promote the geoheritage and geoparks as a tool for local sustainable development in Africa and Middle-East. This present workshop, organized in collaboration with AAWG, will focus on Geoheritage and Geoparks in Africa: challenges and perspectives.

All researchers in the fields of geoheritage, geotourism, conservation, environment and sustainable development, policy makers, economists, geopark and local community administrators and leaders, NGOs, business operators, the Media and individuals with interest in geoheritage development are invited to participate and contribute to make this workshop a valuable event. The workshop will be a sort of a curtain raiser on the state of geoheritage. Let all of us jointly strive on this continent as responsible predecessors of future generations.

This workshop will be convened by and TEA Juliette (AAWG General Secretary), Prof. ERRAMI Ezzoua, AAWG President, Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Safi, Université Cadi Ayyad, Morocco and Dr SAMBA DIENE Rokhaya ( OAGS President)

Workshop 2 - Women in Geosciences

Date - 25 July 2023
Duration: 16h30 - 18h00

Organization : African Geopark Network (AGN) & African Association of Women in Geosciences (AAWG)

Women are generally under-represented in the geoscience discipline, and often face gender specific challenges while pursuing their academic degrees or upon entering the workforce. This workshop will focus on these challenges and offer opportunities for women geoscientists to connect and network with each other. Furthermore, the workshop will focus on opportunities available for women in the field of geosciences and profiled some of the female geoscientists making a difference in this field and in society.

After a brief introduction from several associations that help to promote the development of female geoscientists, the workshop will feature three keynote speakers, both offering their perspective on being a successful geoscientist while overcoming stigmas, cultural, political and socio-economic hardships. The keynote presentations will be followed by questions and answer (Q&A) session by panel of our keynote speakers

The workshop will provide students and early-career geoscientists with a variety of thought-provoking themes and the necessary discussions in order to advance within the field of geoscience.

This workshop will be convened by Prof. OMULO Monica (AAWG founder), Prof. GARCIA DOS SANTOS Esperança (AAMG President, Angola), Ms Ndivhuwo Cecilia Mukosi (Council for Geoscience, South Africa) and Prof. Ezzoura Errami (AAWG President, Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Safi, Université Cadi Ayyad, Morocco).

More information : Please contact Ms Ndivhuwo Cecilia Mukosi,

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